Chapter 3 Seeing Java objects as terms: Mappings
3.1 Matching java.util.LinkedList – standard mappings
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Mapping {
/* includes the mapping for java's LinkedList
provided with the tom distribution */
%include{ util/LinkedList.tom }
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList<Integer> l = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,1,4,3,1,1));
System.out.println("list = " + l);
/* We can match linked lists like any other associative constructor.
Since we declare the Sort (LinkedList) in the %match construct,
we can use the implicit notation (without the constructor name)
in the patterns and thus do not need to look at the mapping file. */
%match(LinkedList l) {
(_*,x,_*) -> { System.out.println("iterate: " + `x); }
(_*,x,_*,x,_*) -> { System.out.println("appears twice: " + `x); }
%match(LinkedList l, LinkedList l) {
(_*,x,_*), !(_*,x,_*,x,_*) -> { System.out.println("appears only once: " + `x); }
polux@huggy$ tom Mapping.t && javac && java Mapping
list = [1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1]
iterate: 1
iterate: 2
iterate: 3
iterate: 1
iterate: 4
iterate: 3
iterate: 1
iterate: 1
appears twice: 1
appears twice: 1
appears twice: 1
appears twice: 3
appears twice: 1
appears twice: 1
appears twice: 1
appears only once: 2
appears only once: 4
3.2 Matching cars – Handwritten Mappings
public class HandMapping {
/* We need to include the standard mappings for
java integers and strings since we declare
fields of these sorts in the following mapping */
%include { int.tom }
%include { string.tom }
/* This class is here for pedagogic reasons.
We could have worked with the only 'Car' class */
private static class Vehicle { }
/* This demo class declares two fields with
the corresponding getters and setters, as well
as a custom version of equals. */
private static class Car extends Vehicle {
private int seats = 0;
private String color = null;
public Car(int seats, String color) {
this.seats = seats;
this.color = color;
public int getSeats() { return seats; }
public String getColor() { return color; }
public void setSeats(int s) { seats = s; }
public void setColor(String c) { color = c; }
public boolean equals(Car c) {
return c.seats == seats && c.color.equals(color);
/* We define a mapping for the Vehicle and Car classes
so that it behave like the following gom signature:
Vehicle = car(seats:int, color:String) */
// typeterm defines a Sort (Car here)
%typeterm Vehicle {
// The corresponding java type
implement { HandMapping.Car }
// How to check the sort
is_sort(c) { c instanceof HandMapping.Car }
// How to check the equality between two terms of sort Car
equals(c1,c2) { c1.equals(c2) }
%op Vehicle car(seats:int, color:String) {
// Is the head symbol of the tested term a car ?
is_fsym(c) { c instanceof Car }
// Get the slot name 'seats'
get_slot(seats,c) { c.getSeats() }
get_slot(color,c) { c.getColor() }
// For the ` (backquote) construct
make(s,c) { new Car(s,c) }
/* We can now perform standard term construction
and pattern matching on vehicles */
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vehicle c1 = `car(4,"blue");
Vehicle c2 = `car(6,"red");
Vehicle c3 = `car(2,"blue");
%match (c2) {
car(s,"red") -> {
System.out.println("this red car has " + `s + " seats");
%match (c1,c3) {
car(_,c), car(_,c) -> {
System.out.println("c1 and c3 have the same " + `c + " color");
%match (Vehicle c1, Vehicle c1) {
// note that we use the definition of equality here
x@car(s,c), x -> {
System.out.println("This is the same "+`c +" car with "+`s +" seats");
polux@huggy$ tom HandMapping.t && javac && java HandMapping
this red car has 6 seats
c1 and c3 have the same blue color
This is the same blue car with 4 seats